Sunday, September 27, 2009

Money Talks

Believe it or not, even though most "scholars" may disagree with this statement. This statement is indeed true. Many people, even those who deny the prevalence of the notion of "money talks" in today's world, may actually live in the realm where money indeed does talk. Of course, we are here talking about money talking in figurative sense, not the literal sense.

Look at the industry that survives even amid recession, porn industry. A friend of mine a while back chatted with me and he expressed his disbelief (or perhaps more like his sense of confusion) about the fact that many pretty girls had fallen into the trap of the "adult" industry. And my response was simple, one of the most obvious reason is that money talks. Believe it or not, people who had lived their lives in affluence since their birth probably will never understand the hardship involves in being "poor." And this friend of mine was likewise. He came to the US as a graduate student in computer science and he ended up getting a job at a top search engine company in Silicon Valley. Of course he always claims that he has no money... (Who doesn't?). But in reality, he is probably a lot more affluent than he was willing to admit.

Enough about him. Now back to his question and my response. He probably found it unbelievable that some pretty girls will be willing to undress and do the embarrassing acts in front of camera for "entertainment" of poor, lonely and perverted souls around the world, but in reality many did. Why, because (partly) it's easy money.

Well, let me clarify.. I am sure easy money is not the one and only reason for people who jumped into the "adult" industry. Some probably went that direction due to coercion, past "mental" or "spiritual" baggage, some for fame (or thinking that they can be famous) and many other reasons. But, whatever the reason, no one has ever truly dispute the facts that money is one of the main drive, and how it can attract people to do the most unbelievable thing.

If people in third world countries would be willing to kill someone else for the equivalent of a dime in the US dollar (which continues to slide). How many more will be willing to get hundreds or thousands of dollars just to perform the lewd acts, (even though it may grieve his or her soul)? Money is not everything in this world, but it is something that some people are lacking or desiring very badly and that's how it went wrong.

God forgive me... I am not here to promote, endorse or justify for the existence of the adult industry... My primary goal will be to remind people about the importance of justice and equality in this world, at least to those who are the least fortunate among us. What I meant with justice and equality is not equal to the idea of communism or socialism, as promoted by Lenin, Che, Marx and others.

My dream is not the distribution of wealth (which sadly is controlled by a very few groups of people), but more like no more poverty, no more people died because of lack of foods or medicine. A "commune" (which is the true ideal of the communism) is not necessarily bad as it was evidenced in Israel's kibbutz, which is another word for a commune, and perhaps one good example of the successful real community life styles (not communism). But sadly, not many people are now interested in living such novel idea. Most of us would rather live our lives the way we want it and "the hell" with others.

Sadly, the more money we have, the stronger we hold onto it. No wonder Jesus said that our hearts are in the place where our treasure is located. See, money not only talks, it also binds our hearts.

Can there be a better world where we can be better off (at least slightly)? Only God knows, probably not, especially if we continue doing what we're doing. However, I truly believe some good things can come up if and if only we decided to do something for others selfishly.

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